Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard”
Graphite on 14 x 17 Bristol Smooth

Happy Monday! This honey of a drawing is one of my UFOs that has finally become an FO 🙂
It has been great being able to carve out some time to finish some of these projects that have been on the board for a while. I was very excited to finish this one. It is pretty big and huge when you consider the fact that I used a .02 mechanical pencil on this drawing. But it was worth every little stroke capturing that lux fur. 
What is on your drawing board, if you care to share?

Take Care!


“Biggie Paws and Rocko”
Graphite on 14 x 17 Bristol Smooth

  Well hello there! Its been a while. Man, this is awkward but I guess a return after a very long hiatus will always be that way but I am glad to be back.
Like many of us 2023 has been a year!
  The best description I have for my 2023 is trying to make lemonade out of tomatoes while pushing a cart with square wheels up a hill and I think it was like that for a lot people. I have decided 2024 is going to be a good year, Nope! A GREAT YEAR!

  My DH was kind enough to help me move my art studio. I can’t wait to post photos but I still have everything crammed in drawers and cabinets, but as soon as i am able to clean those out I will share! I am having a blast creating new art and I have plenty to share in the upcoming weeks, so that is very exciting!

And on with the drawing……..

  This drawing of my fur nephews was a little bitter sweet. Biggie Paws (on left) is no longer with us and we miss his little independent self! Rocko (I think he looks a lot like Alf) was mean little thing when he was a puppy, but he is a sweetie now, LOL

Take Care!


Graphite on Bristol Smooth

I was commissioned to draw this home from one of the sweet REALTORS in the office. She wanted to give something very special to her very important client at the closing table. Her husband.

I won’t go into their story, but what I can tell you is that his Dad actually built this house for his Mom.

Man, this house is detailed! There are a lot of touches in this home that proved this was a true labor of love.and inside is just as lovely as the outside.

I actually had to break out an .02 mechanical pencil (the lead would snap off every other second) but it was worth it in the end.

I was truly honored that she asked me to do this and I hope it was a bright spot through a difficult time..

Thanks for the memories….

1 - Copy

Graphite on Bristol Smooth

    Hello! In my part of Virginia the weather is getting cooler and the holidays are approaching.  I have friends that have started decorating their homes for Christmas.  Usually, I am one of those type of people that thinks that you should enjoy one holiday at a time…but this year?  This year I get it.  These are crazy times in the U.S. and the world in general.  We need something that brings a little love and happiness, even if its only in our homes.
Kind of sad really but as unpleasant as it is, Unfortunately, that is where we are at this point and I’m going to do a lot of praying.

About the drawing
This was a commission that a Realtor asked me to draw this home as a closing gift for her Sellers.  Of course, I was happy to oblige:)  Both of them were very happy which is always a relief. This was pretty cool to draw and was a nice stretch to the skills.

Be Well and Happy!



Graphite on Bristol Smooth

About the drawing:
Isn’t she just the cutest!  This is the first commission of a puppy I have able able to draw in quite a while.  I have missed drawing pet portraits.  Drawing animals gives me all the feels and I was very excited to draw this one. She loved it! 

Things have been pretty busy around here.  We bought a new home, sold our primary home and been working from home.  Its been pretty chaotic!  So for some reason, I thought it would be the perfect time to change my domain name back to I had to change everything on social media too and it took forever! My account on Bloglovin’ is still listing my site as wordpress instead of .com and I can’t seem to change it.  Not that it is a big deal or anything but I pay to use the .com so I should be able to utilize it but this is an issue that I will save for another day.

Speaking of moving, I can’t wait to share my office studio with you!  Still have a lot to do before everything is set up and my husband is still in awe and amazement of how I fit everything in our little house, lol….(Where there is a will there is a way).  It feels weird being in a different home, but it has really worked out with all three of us working from home during the self isolation. We aren’t on top of each other and I am sure if we were in the other home it would be like War of the Roses at the Ottaway household.

I hope everyone is staying safe and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!






Light House
Graphite on Bristol Smooth

When a commissioned piece is delivered, it isn’t often I get to see the person actually receive the work I have done.  But with the modern marvel of Face time, I was able  to see her reaction has she opened the portfolio of the Lighthouse drawing inside.  I could actually see the excitement and happiness as her eyes took in every little detail.  As I watched her gaze at every little stroke of my pencil….My emotions were as blurry as this picture I have posted….I mean lets face it, if I were a photographer this would be a totally different blog… Anyway, I went from anticipation, to worry, then fear til finally elation.  I am so appreciative she trusted me to make this keepsake  and very happy she loved it.

I really missed all of this.  Art and Blogging.  I have no one to blame but myself and this is my first step….I’m so serious that I am up writing this at 2:50 in the morning. 🙂


Stay safe everyone!




The Wise….


Graphite on Bristol Smooth

This pooch looks very wise and well acquainted with the ways of the world….Like the Yoda of dogs, lol.  It wasn’t the easiest to render but I think this will go down to be one of my favorites.  The process was so much fun, all shaggy hair!  And I bet where ever he is, his belly is full of turkey 🙂

Do you have your tree up?

The holidays are approaching.  I can’t say that it completely snuck up on me as I have been seeing Christmas stuff since Back to School shopping.  IMO, it is a little much.  So, While everyone is doing their Black Friday shopping, I am going to spend the day in my PJ’s and in the studio 🙂

How are you spending Black Friday?

Be Well and Happy!




Graphite on Bristol Smooth

Things here are going pretty well.  Work has kept me pretty busy, but I found this old drawing that I set aside and I have been working on it on and off.   It feels  pretty great drawing and I found it much easier to leave it out handy and work on it when I can steal a few minutes here and there.

I’m not complaining….A little time is better than nothing!  And today is an on day!

So……I have the Hallmark Channel, homemade chicken ‘n dumplings on the stove and my drawing….what’s to complain about.

So, my question for you is:
How often are you able to work on your art?

Be Well and Happy!







A Puppy for Brittany…

“A Puppy for Brittany”-Commission
Graphite on Bristol Smooth

Hello Friends!
This portrait is almost too cute to send to its new home.  Seriously, I wanna keep it, lol 
But I guess, I won’t…my client has been waiting long enough for her portrait.  I think I am so attached because it has been a while since I completed a pet portrait and I really missed it.

Drawing this subject matter again was not like riding a bike.  I had gotten pretty good at drawing animals, but in experimenting in other medias and different subjects, I was more than a little rusty.  In the end, I figured it out and she loves it, but it wasn’t without patience from my client and my stubbornness.

That’s all that is on my drawing table, but on a personal note, things at home are going great!  My daughter is home from college and I have missed her terribly!  I am going to be a great-aunt to a baby girl and the family is so excited! ANNNND I will be celebrating 22 years of marriage to the Mister on July 14th.

I hope your spring/summer is great and you are enjoying sunshine, flip-flops, cook outs and laughs!  Don’t forget the sunscreen  😉

Be Well and Happy!

What’s in my bag…


I like to read blogs and watch videos about what art supplies that artists like to take with them on the go.  So, I thought I would throw in my two cents and show you what I bring with me on road trips.  Even if I am driving, I still like to bring these items with me because you will never know when the mood will strike to create something.   I will admit that this isn’t too exciting, but for now it is everything that I need or want to bring…minus the snacks of course 🙂

I still have a love/hate relationship with watercolor at the moment but I am hardheaded so of course I have a few supplies to curse at while I’m on a trip.

Strathmore Watercolor Pad

Water Brush

Winsor & Newton-12 half pan travel set

My first love….Drawing….can’t forget that!

Casemate Sketch Diary-

General’s Kneaded Eraser

Black Pearl Eraser

Faber Castell Pencils – HB, 2H, B, 2B, 4B

Faber Castell Typewriter Eraser

Blending Stumps

Click Eraser

Pen Mate Duo Expert Lead Pencil

Kol-I-Noor – 24 Color Woodless Pencils – (Artist quality pencils are too fragile for me to bring along. They would probably be okay but I don’t want to risk it.)

 Years ago I use to be into calligraphy.  Modern and Brush Calligraphy has really caught my eye….So, have been playing around with that as well.  I may want to Zentangle too.

U:create Smooth Paper

Speedball Calligraphy Set

Tom Bow Brush Pen – hard

Tom Bow Duo Brush Pen

Sukura Brush Pen

Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pen

Pencil Case- Made for me by SIL Vicki Welsh (isn’t it pretty)

Not pictured that I will usually bring is:

*travel pencil sharpener

*a couple of paper towels

And I can’t forget my kindle and a bit of knitting.

It seems like a lot of projects to bring a long and I may not touch a bit of it but it is there if the inclination hits me.  Its better to have it and not want it than to want it and not have it, lol

So what do you bring along with you on trips?  What are your must haves?

Be Well and Happy!
