I wish I was an Ostrich…

edm-37EDM #37 Draw some keys

Graphite on sketch

    (Panic: The Beginning)   I woke up this morning to get my daughter off school.  We did our normal routine she got ready, I threw on clothes,  put on coffee and drove her to the bus stop.  After the bus pick her up  I came home and made  a hot cup of coffee and settled down to my desk to check my emails.  I noticed that Sam (the dog) was no where to be found and I thought I may have left him outside.  At this time it’s still early and I didn’t want Sam to bark and wake up the neighbors so I went outside to get him.  I looked around and he wasn’t in the back yard so I thought maybe he was still in the house and I just didn’t see him.    I went to the sliding glass doors he was staring at me.  So problem solved.  I went to slide the door open and it was locked.  Crap.  I can see the through the sliding door to the front door and it was locked.  Crap.  So here I am standing outside in the wet cold grass wearing a ratty worn crazy looking jogging suit, unshowered, hair not combed, teeth not brushed,  barefoot , David’s out of town and  I’m locked out of the freakin’ house.  Craaaaaaap!

     (Panic: Part Two)    I thought Karen! she hasn’t left for work and she has a spare.  I walked to  her house.   She doesn’t live that far away but cars were passing by and slowing down to stare at me in confusion making me  fully aware that I  looked like a barefoot lunatic who just escaped the ward.   By the time I got to her house my toes were numb, my jogging pants were wet and I was embarrassed.   She told me that  may have the key, but guess what?  She left it at work if she has it at all!   Craaaaaaap!    

    (Panic:  Part Three)   I thought Alana! she has a key!   I got in touch with her  and she had a key in her book bag!!! Sweet relief.  I couldn’t go into the school, so I borrowed Rob’s car and followed Karen to the school.  And she went in and got the key for me.  By this time I am gitty with relief and drove home to unlock that @#$* door.  And I did…. except the lock at the top of the door was in place and the door would only open  six inches.  Craaaaaaap!  

    ( Panic: The Final Chapter)  I sat on the front step trying to figure out which would make David less mad… Is it better to break a window or axe the lock on the back door… Keep in mind even I called a locksmith something was going to be busted up… So I figured I would do the busting for free.

     Then I remembered that I opened the window in my bedroom when the weather was warm.  EUREKA!!!!!   And I noticed that David left the ladder outside,  (This is when I heard the angels singing)  I went to the bedroom window and was able to finally get into the house.  Here I thought Friday the 13th was last Friday but I may be wrong!  This experience has taught me five lessons: 1.  Don’t get locked out of the house.  2. If I would have stayed calm I would have remembered the window and saved Karen and Alana a lot of trouble. 3. Come up with a plan B in case I get locked out again.  4. I am completely safe in that house when David’s away. 5.  Lock my bedroom window for lesson 4.

     Drawing these keys was the obvious choice for the weekly challenge.  And I am going to put my head in the sand until tomorrow.


9 thoughts on “I wish I was an Ostrich…

  1. so you’ve turned into a Ottaway. It has rubbed off. This reminds me of the time the chicken got into the house before I went to work and the dog chased it thru the house. Did I clean up the feathers and be late for work or did I leave the feather and let the kids find them? I decided on cleaning up.

  2. Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh… but I did! It happened to me a few years ago when I was still living with my parents. They would have murdurised me if I’d called a locksmith or broken a window. One of the very tiny upstairs windows was open a crack so I borrowed my neighbour’s ladder and my neighbour’s young, tiny son to go up said ladder, in through the window and open the door from the inside. And it worked, and my parents never found out 🙂

  3. Chris locks himself out pretty regularly. I have a spare key in the garage but he never remembers it. Instead he carries a ladder to the side of the house to get to the second floor porch because we leave the keys in the door up there. Then he leaves the ladder by the house for a few days….I suppose he does that in case a thief wants an easy entrance. They don’t nee that since every single entrance to our house has a window right next to the door knob!

  4. Oh, and about Mom’s story. I vividly remember coming home and finding feathers in my bedroom. I don’t remember any chicken poo, so she must have gotten that up or the chicken had good manners.

  5. Cool drawing and funny story! And I’ve browsed the older posts – your gallery of cats and the little dog below are wonderful! Awesome work!

  6. I enjoyed reading your story. I have had quite a few days like this. My husband says I remind him of Lucille Ball. When I see people show up for things early in the morning, makeup on, clothes perfect, little cappuccino in their hand I want to shove them in a puddle. Your story made me smile, then outright laugh. Thanks for sharing your morning and how you turned the need for keys into a piece of art.

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